Welcome to the Dick Hearns Centre: home to Ballina Boxing Club
A Ballina Boxing Club/Irish Elite Boxer Selection has been invited to participate in the Luton Sports Carnival 2024 which is due to take place on 21st September. This is a great honour for the club and testament to the hard work and dedication of our own boxers Kelsey, Sean and Cahan, under guidance from coaches Joe Lavelle and Richenda Langan. Squad training for this event has been taking place in the gym over the last number of weeks and the club acknowledges the support of the statutory bodies in helping to bring the facilities to the required standard for such events. Beginning with the grant of planning permission in June of 2015, Mayo Co. Co. has been very supportive of the idea of providing this state-of-the-art facility in the county, for which the club is most grateful. After Phase 2 of the company's plan is complete, the centre will fully available for community use.
Memories of 1936 when the late Dick Hearns qualified for the Berlin Olympics come to mind as Irish athletes prepare for Paris 2024. Ten representatives from the Irish boxing community have qualified to compete over the coming weeks in these world events, and they are all wished well. Much credit must go to the IABA High Performance unit for facilitating the preparation of the athletes under Zaur Antia from Georgia,  the Interim Head Coach of the High Performance Unit. The Olympic Federation of Ireland is also fully committed to supporting the IABA initiative. We extend best wishes to all of our 2024 Olympic qualifiers as we approach the next boxing season to help future Olympians on their way.
The Dick Hearns Centre welcomed Ms. Amanda Coulson with her English party of boxers and officials to a training camp in Ballina between 20th and 25th March 2024. Arrangements were made for suitable sparring partners from Ireland to attend and the event was a huge success and very beneficial to all participants. This is the second year the event has taken place in Ballina as the venue is ideally suited having three rings on the same floor.  Former IABA presidents, Mr. Pat Ryan and Mr. Dominic O'Rourke, attended with boxers and returned home well contented. Co. Mayo Boxing Board was ably represented by President Mr. Pat McDonagh.
Message September 2023: As the 2023/2024 boxing season in Co. Mayo is about to begin, Joe Lavelle takes a well-deserved break at ring-side in the new gymnasium.  Serving as Ballina Boxing Club's head coach for several years, Joe has gone far beyond what would be expected of any coach as far as committment to the sport and to the youth of the town and county: the new arena was meticulously planned by Joe on behalf of Ballina Boxing Club over a number of years while working closely with Michael Conmy and his team in Bury Architects, planners at Mayo County Council together with management at the Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre, and his dream has at last become a reality.  The bar was set high, and the building is a fitting tribute to the town's greatest athlete/mentor of all time in the person of the late Dick Hearns.

Joe calls time!
Message August 2023: As preparations are being made for the 2023/2024 boxing season in a new home in the Dick Hearns Centre, Ballina Boxing Club remembers the contribution made to the club by the late Monsignor Patrick Gallagher who passed away in 2020. As the club's Honorary President for several years, this Ballina native was very proud to be associated with the organization since he stepped forward in 1978 to ensure proper training facilities were put in place for the members at that time. "A friend in need is a friend indeed" rings so true, and he faithfully followed the fortunes of the club over the years where his support as a distinguished citizen of Ballina was vital, continuing even in his nineties and in failing health in the latter years. He viewed with delight the plans for the Dick Hearns Centre which will give the boxing community a dedicated arena and which will also be available for a variety of community activities. We know he would be proud of the new home for Ballina Boxing Club which goes far beyond what he had envisaged all those decades ago.

Míle buíochas a chara. Ní bheidh do leithéid ann arís.   

Monsignor Paddy Gallagher 1923-2020
Update 15th July 2023: Preparation of the  new  gym  is at the finishing stage with painting and floor-covering underway. A  major boost  to the development has been  an allocation  from the  Community Recognition Fund. which not only recognizes the need and the potential for the facility in the community, but also acknowledges the committment of the principals to the youth of the town and hinterland, and in particular in welcoming the disadvantaged and those displaced arriving from abroad.     
Newsflash 6th April 2023: During an Ireland/England Training Camp and Dual Nations Tournament for U-18 male and female boxers in Ballina, 4th-8th April, the new centre received special praise from IABA President Mr. Gerry O'Mahony, of Dungarvan Boxing Club which hosts the very successful Celtic Box Cup annually in the autumn. Ms. Amanda Coulson, England Team Manager, also called in with her coaches and was very impressed not only with the potential of the building but with the whole town and hinterland environment and facilities so conducive and safe for boxer training. (All going well, the new facility will be fully operational for the 2023/2024 boxing season.) Former IABA President, Mr. Dominic O'Rourke, also came by to view progress since his previous visit and to wish the project well: Dominic and his team at St. Michael's Boxing Club, Athy, have made the club one of the most successful in the country. Ballina Boxing Club
Update 24th March 2023: Work on outfitting the interior of the new building to gym standard is underway and the company wishes to acknowledge the support of Community Finance Ireland and Sports Capital Prigramme for facilitating this. We believe that those who founded Ballina Boxing Club all those years ago in 1927 as Ireland was awaking to self-determination politically, would be very proud that their vision for a future in boxing for the young men of Ballina and Mayo, and for the added benefit of life-skills developed through participation in the sport at that time, is not only still alive but engraved forever. King-makers they were, and Ballina will always be most grateful for their efforts: add Queen-makers too since female boxing is also well established in the club. The directors of Dick Hearns Centre are proud to be part of the great  journey also. "Dick is smiling and proud of you" is a message from master athlete Frank Hearns, son of the great Dick Hearns: those few words mean a lot. Boxing is well and truly part of our Irish heritage, and the Dick Hearns Centre will protect and safeguard this treasure for many years to come. 
A little bit of history on boxing in Ballina: The town's record shows its first boxing tournament was held in St.Muredach's College Grounds in 1923, all of a hundred years ago! In 1928, The Ballina Social Club organized a boxing tournament in the Town Hall to cater for the growing interest in the sport, when Dick Hearns was in his prime at the age of twenty one. A boxing tournament promoted by Co.  Mayo GAA board was held in the Town Hall in 1929  which was attended by boxer Billy Blackwell: manager of the Laois GAA Senior Football team of 1936 beated by Mayo under the command of Dick Hearns! More history of boxing in the county. From humble beginnings at the dawn of political  independence, the sport has thrived thanks to the efforts and foresight of those who facilitated it, and to the dedication of the many participants in this noble art of self defence down through the years. John Bunyon, poet and preacher said: "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you" which epitomses the spirit of all those who set the stage for Ballina boxers over the last hundred years, and of all those who continue to do so for their own communities right across the nation to this day.
Message on 28th December 2022: We extend our sincere gratitude to all who have supported our venture over the past seven years. Not only have you ensured the memory of Ballina's great Dick Hearns living on, but you have invested hugely in the dreams and futures of those in the local community and beyond who will grace the canvas apron in the years ahead, even on to Olympic glory, and who will foster very many lifelong friendships along the way. As we enter the final stage of development of the Dick Hearns Centre, and on behalf of the ever-grateful Ballina Boxing Club and its membership, we wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2023.
Update 21st December 2022: Preparations for commencement of outfitting the ground floor of the new centre are underway with a tentative completion date of July 2023, and Ballina Boxing Club will relocate to the venue immediately on completion.
Newsflash July 30th 2022: Tenders have been invited for work involved in outfitting the ground floor of the new building and it is envisaged that the construction will begin as soon as possible after completion of that process. 
Fund-raising continues in the meantime, with valuable support from Ballina Boxing Club. Any additional support would be most welcome.
Newsflash May 31st 2022: Ballina Boxing Club has been informed that the club's application for partial funding for the new development under the Sports Capital Programme has been successful and that the allocated funds will issue in due course. This grant will be used to aid outfitting of the new building to serve as a fully-functional boxing gymnasium which would also serve additional needs of the community. This is a most heartening development for the club, and Co. Mayo Boxing Board has also welcomed the news. Planning for a long-overdue "Welcome home Dick Hearns" week of celebration can begin at last with tentative dates set for the end of November 2022! A commemorative booklet will be commissioned which will acknowledge sponsors and contributors to the project.
Newsflash 20th April 2022: Ballina Boxing Club is in the process of relocating to new premises close to Ballina Community Sports CentreSite works in June 2020. Construction of the main enclosure of the new premises at Abbeyhalfquarter is well underway and friends of boxing and the youth of Mayo are invited to contribute to the success of the development. A grant application to Sports Capital Programme has been made and a decision is pending.
Newsflash June 2020: The company trading as Dick Hearns Centre has taken the bold step of go on site at Abbeyhalfquarter, Ballina to construct an enclosed arena as part of the plan to provide a home for Ballina Boxing Club which has been in existance since 1927, yet never had a venue to call home for the long-term during the period since then. Those wishing to help progress the project are asked to contact us in order to facilitate this. Don't delay: do it today!
Newsflash June 2015: Planning permission to construct a two-storey multifunctional sports arena at Abbeyhalfquarter, Ballina has been granted by Mayo County Council. The proposed building will provide a dedicated arena for boxing training and competitions, and will enhance the facilities and sporting opportunities already provided in the vicinity which boasts a swimming pool, tennis courts and an indoor sports centre. A company trading as Dick Hearns Centre was formed by  Ballina Boxing Club which will seek to make this dream a reality through fund-raising and with grant aid. 
The photo of a fine young athlete posing on the right is that of the great Richard Joseph Hearns from Ballina in County Mayo, and his fame as a multi-disciplined sportsman reached all corners of Ireland and Europe during what was essentially a glorious ten-year reign as a boxer in the 1930s. Hopes of a gold medal at the 1936 Berlin Olympics were dashed due to an Irish boycott of the event, but in that year Dick coached the Mayo Gaelic Football Team to the county's first national crown. Like the people of Ballina, Mayo, and their descendants at home and abroad, Dick was very conscious of the rich heritage inherited from the time Ireland's first farmers came to settle in the county more than 6,000 years ago. Human settlements dating from Ireland's Neolithic Stone Age have been discovered along its northern shore at Belderrig and most notably at Behy in an area known as The Céide Fields. Over the centuries greener pastures beckoned its inhabitants, many saw their futures elsewhere and among those was an ambitious youth from Ballina called Richard (Dick) Hearns. In a video on Dick's early life and sporting career, his son Frank relates that Dick joined the Irish Free State Army before his fifteenth birthday and later became a member of An Garda Síochána in which he served until retirement. His son Vincent speaks in an interview on Dick's life on OceanFM. An annual Garda Boxing Tournament has been held in his honour since 2013. But that is not the whole story: Dick was akin to a modern-day Superman, both as an athlete and as a sports mentor, and it is only fitting that a modern gym – where he excelled against the best of his time – should be dedicated to his memory. Dick was the second recipient of the "Western People" Hall of Fame Award in 1972, and this was indeed a great and well-deserved honour. The Dick Hearns Centre -- in Dick's native town -- will be a very fitting, living and functional tribute to the great man, and Dick's original club will be its holding tenant: Ballina Boxing Club was set up in 1927 when Dick was just twenty years of age. Current build stage
The company which has undertaken this ambitious project trades as Dick Hearns Centre, is registered with the Companies Registration Office Ireland,  and is subject to regulation under the Companies Act 2014 and under Section 235 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997. Auditors: Dillon McCarron
Company directors:
Dave Fleming, Vince Hearns, Joe LavelleDr. James Harrison  and Vincent McMahon. The company is also a member of Mayo PPN.
Ballina Boxing Club is a not-for-profit association which is affiliated to the Irish Athletic Boxing Association and is subject to its rules and regulations.
Dick Hearns Centre welcomes the backing of  Community Finance Ireland which has given loans to many community organizations in Ireland over the years once a sound business plan is in place.
Dick Hearns Centre welcomes the invaluable support of  Mayo County Council  for this worthwhile project.
Dick Hearns Centre wishes to acknowledge state support for this venture via a grant under the Sports Capital Programme in the amount of €‎238,677.88 which has been made available for drawdown to enable outfitting the ground  floor of the new building, with bridging being provided by Community Finance Ireland.
Dick Hearns Centre wishes to acknowledge state support for this development via a grant from Community Recognition Fund 2023
Dick Hearns Centre wishes to thank Bury Architects for their professional approach in furthering the project. 
The project has been approved by the IABA and by Co. Mayo Boxing Board.
Several local sporting bodies have also offered support for the venture which will be mutually beneficial to all concerned.
"Ar aghaidh linn le chéile" 
Project support from  Mayo County Council
In September of 2014,  the first hurdle in getting a long-overdue permanent home for Ballina Boxing Club was overcome after an offer of a lease of a site at Abbeyhalfquarter was made to the club by management at Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre. This was followed by a successful application to Mayo County Council for permission to construct a two-storey multi-functional indoor arena -- designed for boxing as the core activity -- in Ballina in June of 2015. Cllr. Mark Duffy provided financial backing for the project as work was progressing as did Cllr. John O'Hara,  and Councillor Seamus Weir, Cathaoirleach of the Ballina Municipal District Mayo Co. Co., secured an allocation from the council to help it achieve its aims, and with a promise of further most welcome support from the same body. Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly has also made a financial donation towards the development.The club also received funding through the council's-administered Owneninny Community Benefit Fund, all of which will go towards development of Phase 2 of the project which is outfitting the structure as a boxing gymnasium. 

Mayo Co. Co. crest


The company, trading as Dick Hearns Centre, has funded the construction of the basic open-plan building, and outfitting as a functional gymnasium will be undertaken by Ballina Boxing Club with necessary aid from Ireland's Sports Capital programme, Mayo County Council and through local fund-raising. From the outset, the project had the support of the Hearns family, at a financial level and as company directors. Like their late father Dick, and undoubtedly influenced by the deep-rooted Christian spirit he shared with their mother Clare, they were prepared to put the shoulder to the wheel as need dictated. Over several years, Dick had helped many athletes and teams achieve their goals, including the great Jim Lugs Branigan who said of him; "I trained quite a lot with Dick Hearns, whom I greatly admired and learned more about boxing from Dick than I did from anybody else". 

The project backers wish to acknowledge the generous financial support of philanthropists John Griffin and the late Martin Birrane, whose trust continues to offer financial support. The project received a surprise and most welcome donation from New Yorker Bill Fahey and, on the home front, the proceeds of "Matilda, the Musical" choreographed by the young Ballina native, Jack Cronin.The company also acknowledges a donation from Mayo Association Dublin in recognition of the sterling service Clare Hearns had given there over several years. Among the first to make a very substantial donation to the success of the fund-raising efforts was fromer Ballina Boxing Club Treasurer, Tony McDermott. Tháinig sparán lán ó Mháire Ní Laoire i ndíl chuimhne ar Des Hearns a d'fhág an saol seo i Mí Eanáir 2021, agus tá an comhlacht an bhuíoch dí.

Ballina 25 card players are making ongoing substantial donations to the project, with plans for a major event before Christmas 2024.

Current members and former members of the local boxing community have also come on board with valuable donations towards the success of the project. A substantial donation was also received from businessman Michael Carr. A most welcome donation was received recently from one of Mayo's most respected boxing-people, Mr. Sean Horkan, who managed the Irish Olympic Boxing Team with dignity and honour in Barcelona in 1992 when Michael Carruth took gold and Wayne McCullogh was awarded the silver medal, and helped on by coach Nicolas Cruz Hernandez shown in the photo taken on arrival home afterwards here. The stately figure of Sean Horkan stands justifiably proudly behind the Cuban. Sean's approval for the construction of the new boxing arena in Ballina is worth far more than money could buy and is a very fitting tribute to his own character as a true son of Mayo and of boxing, and coming from a former Hon. President Connacht Council IABA makes it even more so.

The company has received pledges from a number of people to grant the fund-raising efforts cash and other donations, and interest-free loans which would be repayable within ten years and long before then more than likely. A business plan is in place to organize fund-raising events. All donations will be acknowledged and recorded in line with current best accounting practice and available for inspection going forward into the future.

Dick Hearns Centre wishes to acknowledge the support of Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre for granting the company a 50-year lease of a site to build the centre. The company gratefully acknowledges the support of Mrs Cheryl Murphy whose late husband Paddy was an avid supporter of the club.

The company welcomes the promised support of the county's national representatives in the Oireachtas.

We would ask those interested in supporting the project to  contact us  if they wish to make a donation or give an interest-free loan.

The Dick Hearns Centre
Serving the local community, Mayo and Ireland  and facilitating access to a proud Irish boxing tradition at the Olympics – Irish boxers won 18 of the country's 35 Olympic medals achieved between first competing in 1924 and the end of the 2021 Tokyo games. This figure does not include Irish athletes from Northern Ireland who may choose to compete between the Irish or UK flags. Because of World Wars, the Olympics did not take place in 1918, 1940 or in 1944. Ireland did not compete in Berlin in 1936.

Club crest
Ballina Boxing Club – the oldest boxing club in Mayo – was set up in 1927 and has proven to be a leading light for many over several decades since then. The club trained at various locations over the years and has been operating in leased premises on Mercy Road, Ballina, since 2012, aptly named Dick Hearns Gym. Other sports in the town have enjoyed custom-built grant-aided facilities for many years and it is high time that boxers and boxercise participants would benefit likewise. The idea of constructing a training arena in the town for Ballina Boxing Club and dedicated to the memory of the late great Ballina super-athlete Dick Hearns, is the brain-child of Mr. Joe Lavelle, ( http://themerrymonk.ie/ ) one of Mayo's greatest sporting and Irish music supporters, and possessing a lifelong appreciation and admiration of that truly great Mayo sportsman and sports mentor in the person of Dick Hearns. The dream was to custom-build a centre to cater for the growing needs of Ballina Boxing Club and which would be capable of hosting local, county, regional and national boxing tournaments. A home venue is a huge advantage to a competitor in any sport and a full-size ring is also a must: an athlete should train under competition conditions and Ballina boxers have waited long enough. 

Over many years, Ballina Boxing Club had sought a suitable site for the construction of a boxing arena in the town but there was always a snag. In September 2014, Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre offered a lease of grounds on their site on which to build such a dedicated boxing arena which will be known as the Dick Hearns Centre, aptly named after the great Dick Hearns, whose family were only too glad to be associated with the project. Vince and Des Hearns – sons of the great man – joined the project early on and together proved a major asset. Vince had played basketball at the highest level in his youth while Des won two All Ireland Minor medals with Dublin in the mid-fifties. Artist's impression of arena interior

Planning permission to build was granted in June 2015 and a grant application process for aid for a single-phase construction of the new arena was initiated. After an extremely lengthy application process, the idea had to be abandoned as expiry of planning permission loomed in June 2020 and a self-build on the site in two phases became the only viable option: construction of an open-plan roofed structure funded from local resources initially, with grant aid being sought for outfitting the unit as a boxing arena subsequently.

Construction of the first phase which began in June 2020 was mainly financed by a loan from Community Finance Ireland. Private donations, interest-free loans from individuals, corporate and community support and sponsorship of materials/voluntary labour all contributed towards achieving completion of the phase. A successful application for a Sports Capital Grant and to other funding sources will enable outfitting of the building as a functional boxing arena. On completion of the project, boxers from Ballina and the hinterland will be guaranteed a home for the future in the new building. Community groups and other sporting codes will be able to avail of the facilities for occasional or regular use under agreement with the club and management of Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre.

The new structure will house boxing and other memorabilia donated by the Hearns family as a fitting tribute to Ballina's most accomplished athlete of all time, the late Dick Hearns. The club's company currently has five directors who are in good standing within the community, and all value the sport of boxing highly. The youngest director  local GP Dr. James Harrison  is a keen sportsman who has been in attendance at a number of boxing tournaments as medical officer over the years: he will be an essential medical advisor for the company and for boxing club coaches in the years ahead as the centre functions. Like all true professionals and competitors associated with boxing, he views the sport as an art form, a game of physical chess where mental fitness, technique, skill, level of mobility and strategy are far more important than mere physical attributes: what matters is how resources are managed and adapted to suit changing requirements. Nobody in the Irish boxing community is more respected than company director Joe Lavelle, and his role in staging boxing tournaments from local to national in the new centre will be a huge asset to the company and to its success in the years ahead. Over the years the club  thanks to Joe's contacts and reputation at home and abroad  has facilitated boxing dinner shows in Ballina at which guests from London's Bedford BC and St. Pancras BC, Leeds/Yorkshire and Highfields BC of Cardiff attended.

The role of a boxing club in a community

In the course of providing training and fitness programmes in preparation for boxing competitions, young athletes gain access to local and national communities they would possibly never know otherwise, and over time will learn to appreciate membership's many personal benefits. 

Coaches in boxing clubs identify early signs of ASPD in young people and are ideally suited to deal timely with any problems which may arise. Anti-social behaviour, in any of its forms, is not condoned by boxing clubs or by the boxing community. People with ASPD often use organizations to rise to power through manipulation of weakness in individuals/system to make the group self-serving:  a serious shortcoming of democracy if not tackled at an early stage. 

Coercive Controlwhich is totally against the boxing ethos, is often hidden from the public eye but is very easily identified by personnel in charge of boxing clubs where any form of bullying is dealt with speedily, and sometimes that involves confronting parents or referral to outside agencies such as An Garda Síochána, and Tusla.

It is in the national interest to ensure individuals engaging in anti-social activity receive proper life-preparation at the earliest stage lest they, and others close to them as well as the community at large, suffer the consequences of their foolishness throughout their teenage years and beyond. All too often the service boxing coaches provides in this regard does not get the state recognition it deserves. No other sporting organization is capable of dealing with ASPD in the same way: the all too common use of expulsion from an organization just shifts the problem elsewhere. Boxing clubs work closely with other organizations such as An Garda Síochána, and with Tusla, to whom coaches who identify any form of abuse of the young will make a referral. All adult personnel associated with boxing clubs carry cards to show Garda clearance to work with minors and must also have certification in child protection.

See the value a boxing club gives to a community and its youngsters in the Dale Youth Boxing Club after the Grenfel Tower inferno in London in June 2017. American novelist James Baldwin wrote: "The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." In his essay "No Name in the Street" he penned: "It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have."  Everybody needs a sense of belonging and of self-worth:  those who never had this often fall victim to substance abuse or gangland crime, but boxing clubs become a home-from-home for many which in turn has very positive personal outcomes and for the local community, and early intervention is vital to ensure this. Pairings for all competitions are based on weight category, and on age/experience for younger competitors: all are made welcome in a boxing club. 

Katie Taylor  Benefits of boxing for women 

The new Dick Hearns Centre will bring Ireland's most successful Olympic sport to a wider audience locally:
Irish boxers have won more than half of the medals taken home after the summer Olympics. A strict code of conduct will continue to be adhered to and social inclusion will be one of its keystones.

Boxercise is a most enjoyable activity and research has shown that it has many benefits as described in an article from Harvard Medical School in 2015. Many of Ireland's boxing clubs are underutilized and Boxercise will become available to young and old in the new Dick Hearns Centre, under the programmes organized by Ballina Boxing Club. The role of boxing training routines for patients in Rehab centres has been recognised and the new arena could be used for specific dedicated training within the local community. Sufferers living with Parkinson's disease have also found benefits in boxing gym programmes such as Rock Steady Boxing.

Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre will manage access to the facilities in the Dick Hearns Centre for any vacant time slots.

Left to right: Vincent Hearns, Ballina BC PRO; Jerzy Baraniecki, Polish
Coach; Deputy Michelle Mulherrin TD; Sergiy Korchynsky, Polish Head Coach and native of Ukraine; Deputy Darragh Calleary TD; Joe Lavelle, Ballina BC Treasurer/CPO and Vincent McMahon, Secretary Ballina Boxing Club
Visitors from Poland
As part of their training for the Rio Olympics of 2015, national boxing teams in many countries went abroad on training and team-bonding missions. Ballina Boxing Club, after successfully tendering to host the Polish Rafaeko Hussars, coordinated a most successful 16-day training camp in the town. The cooperation received from management in Ballina Swimming Pool, Ballina Community Sports Centre and Ballina Athletic Club ensured the smooth running of the event. Special thanks to Arrow Cabs, Ballina for their services to the Polish 9-man contingent, from arrival at Dublin Airport on December 6th until departure on December 22nd.

This training camp is a  blueprint for what will take place when the new centre opens. Great opportunities were missed in the past, but a new era in Mayo boxing has dawned and Ballina BC will not be found lacking to meet the challenge. During the 21/22 season, Mayo boxing selections were matched against British selections on a number of occasions in Belfast, Tyrone and Bristol as well as meeting inter-county obligations at home.

Ballina boxers have distinguished themselves in Holland, Poland, Germany and Portugal in previous years and the new gym will facilitate a continuation of this, with teams coming to Ballina to compete against Mayo and Irish selections.

Building for sale

The company is currently inviting offers to purchase a property formerly used as a boxing gymnasium at Pawn Office Lane, Ballina, and the proceeds of this sale will go towards work at the new Dick Hearns Centre. The site would make an ideal location for offices of a legal firm or auctioneer, a hairdressing salon, a podiatry clinic, or for apartments with parking at street level and living accommodation on first and second floors. It would also make a very suitable location for a multi-point car-charging station because of its proximity to a town centre car park. Visitors to the town would be very appreciative of a little WC relief on arrival or to freshen up before departure, and clean well-maintained toilets/baby changing area would be most welcome adjacent to the car  park. 
Details: DNG Michael Boland Location: 54°06'48"N 9°09'00"W  Site area: 152 sq. m./1,636 sq. ft. 

About the Dick Hearns Centre

Floor Plan Dick Hearns Centre Site Location
Dick Hearns Centre will be a two-storey building outfitted to suit the needs of the boxing community and which will complement the existing campus at Abbeyhalfquarter, Ballina, Co. Mayo, which has an indoor sports centre, a swimming pool and tennis courts. Site location: 54°06'48.80" N 9°08'47.19" W.  A company, trading as Dick Hearns Centre, has been formed to oversee the construction of the new structure. Ballina Boxing Club will be the holding tenant and, when not being used for that purpose in whole or in part, bookings may be done for other activities. When it rains, or when darkness falls early as days get shorter in autumn and winter, the demand for indoor facilities in Ballina far exceeds the availability and this new two-storey addition will be most welcome. 

They say the Irish "box above their weight," and this new centre takes its name from one of Ireland's greatest multi-disciplined sportsmen, Ballina native, the late Dick Hearns, whose achievements as a non-professional sportsman and sports' mentor in several disciplines were exemplary and have never been equalled. (See article on Irish Examiner ) A new film on aspects of the life of the great man is available to view online here.

Ballina Boxing Club, Mayo's oldest boxing club which was established in 1927, is fully committed to the project and in working with other partners on the leisure park campus. In April 2015, Ballina Boxing Club, in conjunction with Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre, hosted the Ireland/Finland Senior Ladies International which was indeed a great honour. The event took place in the sports hall which is an ideal venue for showcasing boxing with its 140-seat balcony and adequate floor space around a full-size boxing ring to seat 400 spectators comfortably in addition. Mira Potkonen of Finland, who got the decision against Katie Taylor in Olympics 2016, was on the card against Cheyenne O'Neill from Athlone on the night. In December 2015, a 16-day training camp for Polish Olympic hopefuls was facilitated by Ballina Boxing Club, in conjunction with Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre and Ballina Swimming Pool, as part of the Polish boxers' preparation for the 2016 Olympics. It is envisaged that this type of event will be promoted in the extended campus, and that other interested sporting bodies, both locally and nationally, would avail of the venue for team training, team bonding etc. To have a ready-to-go venue for such events would be a major incentive. and Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre and Ballina Swimming Pool are committed to opening their doors to facilitate these type of ventures in the future and which will have an obvious spin-off for the town and county. Because of its location which has such a high foot-fall, it will increase opportunities for participation in a range of health-promoting, sporting and recreational activities which may otherwise be missed. A single drop-off point for children/families participating in different activities will reduce parental stress, and give those parents an opportunity to meet and chat over a coffee in the foyer of the main building. The project has the support of all public representatives in the local municipal area.The second-level schools in Ballina have also offered support: St. Muredach's College Moyne College St. Mary's Secondary School. The County Mayo Boxing Board has recognized its potential for its own tournaments/competitions, and for inter-county boxing events which it is most anxious to promote. In October 2019, Mr. Joe Lavelle, of Ballina Boxing Club, in conjunction with boxing friends in Bristol, facilitated a Co. Mayo Boxing Board Selection V. Bristol and Home Counties Selection weekend of boxing in Bristol, and ensured the green light for this type of event in the future on a home-and-away basis: a second Mayo boxing selection travelled to Bristol in February 2020. Trips to clubs in Memphis, Spain and Portugal followed and return visits to Mayo are in preparation.

Company Directors

Company Directors: Dave Fleming, Vince Hearns, Joe LavelleDr. James Harrison and Vincent McMahon 

Chairperson: Mr. Dave Fleming, Abbey St., Ballina. Co. Mayo

Treasurer: Mr. Joe Lavelle, Killala Road, Ballina. Co. Mayo. 

Company Secretary: Mr. Vincent McMahon, 29 The Moorings, Ballina, Co Mayo.

PRO: Mr. Vince Hearns 
Send a message
Dick Hearns tribute : the record says it all.
Read more on Dick Hearns in Terry Reilly's latest book  
Ballina, People, Amazing, Stories, Terry, Reilly (mayobooks.ie) 

Dick Hearns photographed beside his trophies and medals